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A Risk Taker Annointing

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By: Apostle S. Hama
Genesis 12:1-2
Faith can only be better explained by a person who walks in it Faith is explained better with testimonies it is better mounted upon you when you receive THE ANOINTING of faith 1 Cor 12: 9. Talks about faith as a Spiritual gift. We have to pursue the gift of faith. Rom 10: Apostle Paul states faith as believing which signifies that we have different kinds of faith Three kinds of faith. Faith unto salvation: this kind of faith comes when you confess the Lordship of Christ with your mouth. Faith as a gift: This comes when you confess that you now have faith in your soul and your heart testifies. Faith which is established in you as an anointing; the risk taker anointing –faith in action In Gen 12, God told Abraham not to just believe in the word but to also put action in what he believed. “Today, I am going to summon you to leave that life of begging and you have to put action to your faith.” True faith before God is that faith of a risk taker and you realize the life of realities. Remember faith without works is dead. I would like to believe that as Abraham was going to the Promised Land he was faced with many obstacles. But because of the faith he had, even though he had not seen Canaan in the physical, his spirit was carrying Canaan. He did not give up but pursued Canaan because it was a promise from God. Move out of the faith of just believing because it is not enough. It is time to take risks, wholly leaning on the promises of God. Otherwise without the faith of a risk taker one might find themselves returning their status quo (the condition of your former life).
What are you going to say after this service? Whatever you are going to say is what will come to pass. With every sermon, God has some candidates He will be looking for, those who will be aggressively seeking Him and He will provide whatever they need because He says in His word that He will never leave us nor forsake us. When you begin to walk in the gift of faith, God will prepare a way for you, and you will receive that which you really want. When Abraham walked to the Promised Land, he was risking his life. If you are a business man and not prepared to take risks you will amount to nothing. Moses began to make a lot of excuses which later resulted in him seeing the Promised land from but failed to enter it. Today, I speak like Joshua who said, ‘as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord our God for the rest our lives.” Are you willing to become a risk taker, a risk taker in your giving, in your fasting and in your prayer life? When you become a risk taker for God then you will know that the impossible will happen in your life. Risk takers are those who declare that the Lord has done it already and begin to act as if they have already received. In this spiritual walk, if you avoid being a risk taker, loosing things that will benefit the flesh, then you will not achieve anything. Some men and women go to an extent of risking their marriages for God and god will work it out in the end. Don’t get used to common things but aspire to go for the extreme; be determined. Risk takers are people who are full of DETERMINATION. Abraham didn’t ask questions when God commanded him to leave his homeland and sojourn to Canaan. He just obeyed. Whatever God tells you to do just do it without to many excuse and questions. Today, may you receive the anointing to have great Faith.
Risk takers: Are full of the aggression of the Lord. Will never display fear Are aggressive prayer people Imitate Jesus Christ who was a risk taker DECLARATIONS: I am no longer beneath but above I am no longer for the mediocre but for great and mighty things From today onwards, I shall attain great and mighty things PRAYER THOUGHT Pray for the quality of the anointing you want.
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