MSG by apostle Steve 18 April 2014 1300 hrs @ itc centre bay5
Acts1vs5... John truly baptism with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days from now. Our search for the precise thing beginnings with Jesus talking to the disciples whom he had called to be apostles after his resurrection. These man had a common view of things they wanted to know when the kingdom was going to be restored to the Israelites. Yet Jesus was a man walking in an UNCOMMON GLORY hence he had a better promise. BUT YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS COME UPON YOU: acts 1vs8
The holy ghost, Rwach... A living force.... The presence of God... Whom Moses yielded for and said I WILL NOT GO UNLESS YOUR PRESENCE IS WITH ME.... David spoke and said ONE THING I DESIRE FROM THE LORD IS THAT I MAY DWELL IN HIS PRESENCE FOR EVERMORE
John 14 Jesus promised that l will not leave you as orphans but l will send to you the Paraclete , the Comforter and the helper.... The holy ghost
2corinthians 4paul acknowledges the presence of the holyspirit and he said how great and awesome it is that the glory of God has come to embody in earthen vessels, worthless vessels of clay.
Now Jesus said YOU SHALL RECIEVE POWER WHEN THE HOLYGHOST HAS COME UPON YOU.... This power of the holy ghost is what we call the UNCOMMON GLORY.
In acts 2 on the day of Pentecost there was a gathering of the common religious people. Man from all over the world who were used to the religious worship, trying to walk in man made statutes of seasonal worship,yet God is looking for those who worship him in spirit and truth day and night. John4:24... These had gathered in honor of the day of Pentecost not in honor of God... General understanding the term Pentecost means 50...
In the upperoom were the apostles, gathers 120 in number waiting for the promise of father: THE holyghost who will give them power.. AN UNCOMMON GLORY... As they received ... The moment the HOLYGHOST descended, they were all filled with him and they received power.... Soon they went out filled with power to show the COMMON people of the world that they have had a divine encounter, and surely they had receive the most important thing in their lives. These man at first were know as ORDINARY UNLEARNED MAN, the Pentecostal crowd was shocked to see the ordinary unlearned man doing the impossible.... In amazement they said are these men whom we see GALILEANS yet we hear them today each one speaking with a different language.... Acts2:8.......
In verse 15 they actually said they are drunk, yes they were drunk but not with the common beer or alcohol but an extra ordinary heavenly force had entered the mortal body... A body full of corrupt ness, limitations, sorrow, pain, affliction had Been set ablaze with an uncommon fire, AS WE KNOW CLAY IS FRUGILE, but when we set it on fire it ends up a component of the fire. HENCE WE HAVE A CLAY POT.... Anytime you want to prepare a meal you take the pot set it on fire, you will see water boiling and sent as vapor but the pot remains stable... It won't melt because it is now a COMPONENT OF THE FIRE. Thats what happened to these common clay men. The moment they received the POWER OF THE HOLYGHOST THEY BECAME EXTRA ORDINARY, Can l pause a question from the holy ghost today, ARE YOU WILLING TO BECOME HIS COMPONENT.... HOLYGHOST INCARNATED..... If so shout yessssss
As Peter addressed the crowds they could not resist the Glory and 3000 men gave their lives to Christ.
Acts 3 Peter and John met the lame man who been this condition for 40 years yet was by the gate of the temple. The gate being called beautiful yet nothing ws beautiful in his life... He remained a beggar. Is this not your position or status today, that you are by the beautiful get but your suffering is increasing everyday. Is this not the position of our church tdy, beautiful chairs, deco, beautiful outward appearance but yet a centre of pain and agony.
Peter fixing his eyes on him said SILVER an d GOLD have l none but such as l have l give to you. IN THE NAME OF JESUS RISE UP AND WALK, and immediately grabbing him, the man stood up and walked. Leeping and jumping with GREAT JOY. This is what we are here for today.... GREAT JOY! GREAT JOY! GREAT JOY.
It all comes when the name of Jesus is in action. Not just the name but the GLORY in the name. John 17vs 4...10
Man can should in the name of Jesus but if there is no GLORY it's in vain. This is the hour ooh BELIEVERS that we shall call the name of JESUS not as an ordinary name, but under the influence of an uncommon GLORY and signs and wonders will accompany our COMMAND... The sick shall be healed, demons casted out, great notable miracles will happen. It's our season to shine, ARISE and SHINE yeeeeeeiiii
Man can should in the name of Jesus but if there is no GLORY it's in vain. This is the hour ooh BELIEVERS that we shall call the name of JESUS not as an ordinary name, but under the influence of an uncommon GLORY and signs and wonders will accompany our COMMAND... The sick shall be healed, demons casted out, great notable miracles will happen. It's our season to shine, ARISE and SHINE yeeeeeeiiii
And great joy shall come to all nations, this gospel of Jesus Christ is more than a theological enchantment but an unresistable declaration of his name in glory and power, 1cor2:4which disturbs the kingdom of the devil, destroys powers and principalities, pulls down strong holds, cause demons to release every human soul in their custody..... And the world begins to rejoice as it sees the hand of God at work, Luke 2:14 GLORY BE UNTO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! GOODWILL UNTO MEN AND ON EARTH BE PEACE. The Angelica's declaration on the birth of Christ.
Look at the type of gospel Peter had, it was all about the NAME OF JESUS his DEATH and RESSURECTION, how HE SUFFERED FOR US. He became poor sothat we become rich, by his stripes we were healed. Everything was calculated and set as a prize in predestinance. Remember there are 39 roots of sickenss in medicine, and he was given 39 stripes, each stripe for a root cause of a sickness. Doctors can only treat, ONLY THE STRIPES OF JESUS CAN HEAL. This is a rear gospel today that's why you rearly find man and women who are walking in AN UNCOMMON GLORY, but from now it is established.
Every man who heard Peter preaching encountered this UNCOMMON GLORY, acts2:37because Peter was full of the HOLY-GHOST . And a living testimony was by his side... The lame man who had been healed. People preach today to get accreditation, but the servants of the old day, the church fathers, our heros and patriarchs of faith preached so that the NAME OF JESUS BE GLORIFIED and this is why they carry a better testimony than us. Acts 3:12
The apostles knew that they cannot do anything without the power from on high, the power of the HOLYGHOST. In acts 4... They called before the name of the lord, ask for a release of more of the HOLYGHOST. When you hear men and women calling before the lord today,they call for miracles, breakthroughs, gifts and privileges... They have ceased to call for the great treasure... The holyspirt of God. Many are content with the nature of sin they have, yet the bible says be holy for lam holy. When the holy spirit Come he convicts the world of sin, he compels and teaches us the ways of grace, truth and righteousness. Surely when the perfect comes the imperfect goes...
Samely the devil was frastrated to hear the name of Jesus being preached. He decide to persecute the apostles, they were oftenly sent go prisons, but they remained steadfast and unstoppable. The more they were persecuted the more they exceed. They were like a spring being pressed down. The moment its released it will fly higher than before. Eachntime they would be realesd from prison they would do greater and outstreached things. The devil knows that if this name of JESUS, the messiah is preached with power his kingdom will not stand. The world today is preaching another gospel. A gospel of Worldy gains, the samethings the devil is attached to, thats why churches are now endanger of satanic invasions, but not today, not now, not in this church. Many preachers have lost the cause and plea of the gospel. It is all about Jesus, his name, the cross, and the promised heaven. All these other things l will gain if God wills. I cannot miss heaven because of a car, house, few dollars, women, pride and exorbitant lusts. Gals 1:8 if any man comes preaching another gospel which is not this one let that man be cursed...... Paul had an undiluted appetite for the rightful gospel.
When they prayed asking for the HOLYGHOST, God granted them and the whole place they were in was shaken. Luke 11:13 Jesus taught the apostles not to ask for more of the physical but to ASK FOR MORE OF THE HOLYGHOST... This is our error today, we crippled in walking in the spirit, we really on worldly gains.... Carnality is our paste yet the word says ONLY THOSE WHO WALK IN THE SPIRIT ARE THE SONS of God.
Acts 5....Those who encountered the presence of the HOLYGHOST knew to do more for,God and less to themselves. They were extraordinary givers, except for Ananias and sapphira sons of perdition who suffered Gods anger as they lied before the lord. Set as an example of a horrific death. And the lord wipped them of in the presence of the apostles.
Acts 6 ... UNCOMMON GLORY shined even in the lives of ordinary church leaders because they had been immensed in a doctrine full of Godliness. And they were more than ready to attest for Christ. They were more than ready to die for him. Christ was their centre of attraction, they knew they did not have a portion in this world, naked you came and naked you shall depart. This glory is not for worldly gains but to enfost a radical activiness to the spirit of the saints whose Kingdom is not of this world but of above, so that the out the advisory of their GOD, who comes with filthy lies and deception.
The Deacon STEPHEN called to serve on tables, a man found to be full of the HOLYGHOST started to do,extraordinary things in the serving queues. The bibles gives his testimony and says Stephen full of the Fatih and power did great wonders and signs amongst the people, acts 6:8. Jealous man came together and decide to kill Stephen... This deacon disciplined disciple knew how to handle persecution. Rather than seeing the pains of false accusations he decided to open spiritual eyes... The physical does not know how to walk in the spirit. The physical eye cannot see spiritual things because of the carnality and lustfulness of the flesh. It is the same eye which was testified that it will not see God, or else the man will die. Through the spiritual eye stephen saw heaven open, no other man saw this... If they had seen they would never destroy such a holy saint.... They have eyes but they cannot see.... The same as they did to jesus christ when they crucified him, if they had known that he was God himself... They would have not crucified him. One may ask how can a mere man kill God, yes God permitted as it had been preplanned for the invocation of our extraordinary SALVATION.
We are in a generation were true servants of God are being persecuted day and night by the so,called Christians. Who have eyes but cannot see, with ears but cannot hear.... Their judgement is coming soon. When Jesus was born And in the season of his outstanding ministry many denied him especially the religious man, whose quest for godliness ws more attached to the physical than spiritual. These man were puffed up,with man made doctrines, traditional believes .. Mixing .".. Their own beliefs with sacred holistic oracles sabotaging the truth for personal gains. Refrain from such for their works do not tally with the teachings. Their preaching is full of rhetoric elements, and their gospel is too heretic .... Even the devil himself will vomit such.
To the early christian persecution was never a thing to cry about but a season of persecution was a season of dynamic expansion of their territory. Acts 8 we see acts 9 Saul the man who latter became Paul the chief apostle coming aggressively to persecute the church. Now this man when he had an account with Christ, he was served and became the chief apostle. Like wise today l don't wish and you must wish your enemies a punishment of death, but pray for their salvation. Their salvation will be a better testimony to your rising up. As persecution intensified the brethrens scattered everywhere, the devil thought he was winning but he was wides preceding an unstoppable fire. PHILIP went to Samaria and preached outstandingly. Acts 8 :7 there was massive deliverance in Samaria..... Even the sangomas gave their lives to christ being baptized in water. Without spiritual baptism, encounter with the uncommon glory its impossible to please God. Simon the sorcer was baptized in water but not in the spirit, so when peter came he was amazed with the demonstration of pwer and he wanted to buy a portion with money. Acts 8:17He thought Peter ws enjoying a public display of power so,he wanted to do,the same too,buy nay Peter was doing the business of God. And he starnely rebuke the man who latter repented. Genuine repentance is reached when one is now full of the uncommon glory. Without which you can have the knowledge of God but not having a relationship with him or a fellowship with him... Shout l need THE UNCOMMON GLORY.
When the family of conerlious a gentile family, who were supposed to be pagans realized that there is an uncommon glory which they out to receive, the became restless until God sent Peter to,them. Today be restless until u recieve such a glory. Peter ws surmounted through a vision to visit this gentile family.... When he ws sharing the word ... I believe when they heard Peter saying HOW great GOD anointed Jesus of nareth who went about doing good, healing the sick casting out demons, they were touched and they inclined and received.....
Uncommon glory when you recieve it you will never be the same again.