Genesis 18:9-15; 21:1-7
The elderly women heard the Lord tell her Husband, the even older Abraham, that within a year she would bear him a son. How could this be? she wondered. To her ears it sounded impossible, preposterous. How could an 89-year old woman and a 99-year old man have a child? Wishing a thing does not make it so, she may have thought to herself.
Sarah doubted because she looked at her circumstances and not at the God who keeps His promises. The revelation just seemed to good to be true- so she laughed. Not out loud. And not enough so that anyone but God will notice (Gen 18:12). She just laughed quietly, in unbelief and impatience, not in a hilarious manner, in faith and celebration.
Yet God noticed, and God would have the last laugh. He challenged Sarah's unbelief with a sharp, "Is anything to hard for the Lord?" (8:14).
The Bible tells us that after a year Sarah's moment of unbelief and impatience, God brought her another kind of laughter, the kind that accompanies the joy of a promise kept- the only kind of promise that God makes.
Impatient Christians need to learn what Sarah discovered that day. No matter how the situation might look or what the circumstances are in your life, family, friends, work place, marriage.... When the author of your life who is God Almighty speaks, no one can challenge that word, not the witch doctor, your enemy, your friends, family, spouse can not challenge Him. He is a God that speaks with power and He will always fulfill His Word. They can tell you that you can't but if God has said it you can.
God saw Sarah's laughter and He knew what she was thinking.The elderly women heard the Lord tell her Husband, the even older Abraham, that within a year she would bear him a son. How could this be? she wondered. To her ears it sounded impossible, preposterous. How could an 89-year old woman and a 99-year old man have a child? Wishing a thing does not make it so, she may have thought to herself.
Sarah doubted because she looked at her circumstances and not at the God who keeps His promises. The revelation just seemed to good to be true- so she laughed. Not out loud. And not enough so that anyone but God will notice (Gen 18:12). She just laughed quietly, in unbelief and impatience, not in a hilarious manner, in faith and celebration.
Yet God noticed, and God would have the last laugh. He challenged Sarah's unbelief with a sharp, "Is anything to hard for the Lord?" (8:14).
The Bible tells us that after a year Sarah's moment of unbelief and impatience, God brought her another kind of laughter, the kind that accompanies the joy of a promise kept- the only kind of promise that God makes.
Impatient Christians need to learn what Sarah discovered that day. No matter how the situation might look or what the circumstances are in your life, family, friends, work place, marriage.... When the author of your life who is God Almighty speaks, no one can challenge that word, not the witch doctor, your enemy, your friends, family, spouse can not challenge Him. He is a God that speaks with power and He will always fulfill His Word. They can tell you that you can't but if God has said it you can.
- Because of Christ I am what God says I am.
- Because of Christ I can do what God says I can do.
- Because of Christ I can go were God says I can go.
- Because of Christ I will say what God says I can say.
- Because of Christ I will have the last Laugh.........