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Our position in life is determined by faith. Every person has a center of Faith, meaning a deity and an entrusted center. Wether you are a Christian or not, Faith is the necessary tool you need to please your deity. Right or wrong deity there is a need to believe the aligning doctrine. What makes a man believe, or put trust in a certain god is the words he/she has heard about that god.
The only source of trust we lean on is the word of assurance we have received. The fear factor in a man lives a quest for deliverance or rescue. A need for divine intervention. There are things we come to realize, traits in life and we pass an overall judgment or derive a conclusion with certainty.
Faith amiss is faith in a wrong god, for surely there is no answer or total assurance from such. Jehovah the God who created everything is worthy trusting for he gives a perfect assurance, which stands to eternity. The more you meditate and trust upon a said word, the more faith you build.
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